Here you can find all about permissions and commands of this great plugin!
NOTE: The Spigot and BungeeCord commands are different!
SpigotMC | BungeeCord |
/acs - for Spigot |
/aacs - for Bungeecord |
These permissions and commands may change in the future. The global permission for all functions and commands is DeluxeAnnounce.Admin.
Command | Software | Description | Permission |
/acs reload |
SpigotMC & BungeeCord | Reload the plugin configurations. | DeluxeAnnounce.Admin |
/acs reload <configuration> |
SpigotMC & BungeeCord | Reload a specific file. | DeluxeAnnounce.Admin |
/acs help |
SpigotMC & BungeeCord | Get information about the plugin commands. | DeluxeAnnounce.Admin |
/acs manager |
SpigotMC & BungeeCord | Open the plugin GUI to configure extra options. | DeluxeAnnounce.Admin |
/acs announce <message> |
SpigotMC & BungeeCord | Send a global message to the whole server. | DeluxeAnnounce.Use.Announce |
/acs announceworld <world> <message> |
SpigotMC | Send a global message in a specific world. | DeluxeAnnounce.Use.Announce |
/acs donate <player> <package> |
SpigotMC & BungeeCord | Send a donation message to players with rewards. | DeluxeAnnounce.Use.Donations |
/acs player <player> <message> |
SpigotMC & BungeeCord | Send a private message to the player. | DeluxeAnnounce.Use.Player |
/acs bossbar <message> |
SpigotMC | Send a global bossbar to the whole server. | DeluxeAnnounce.Use.Bossbar |
/acs actionbar <message> |
SpigotMC & BungeeCord | Send a global actionbar to the entire server. | DeluxeAnnounce.Use.Actionbar |
/acs giveaway winner/toggle/clear |
SpigotMC | Choose the winner of the giveaway. | DeluxeAnnounce.Use.Giveaway |
/acs toast <item> <toast type> <player> <text> |
SpigotMC | Send a toast to a player or all players. | DeluxeAnnounce.Use.Toast |
/acs test <file message> |
SpigotMC | Check how your messages are configured before using them. | DeluxeAnnounce.Admin |
/acs pastebin uploadConsole/uploadDeluxeLog |
SpigotMC & BungeeCord | View the Deluxe Announce records. | DeluxeAnnounce.Admin |
/acs wiki |
SpigotMC & BungeeCord | Visit our Deluxe Announce wiki. | DeluxeAnnounce.Admin |
Commands only available in SpigotMC:
Command | Software | Description | Permission |
None |
SpigotMC | Avoid cooldown. | DeluxeAnnounce.Streaming.NoCooldown |
/streaming |
SpigotMC | Command to view the help list. | DeluxeAnnounce.Streaming |
/streaming onTwitch |
SpigotMC | Announce live on Twitch. | DeluxeAnnounce.Streaming.Twitch |
/streaming onTiktok |
SpigotMC | Announce live on TikTok. | DeluxeAnnounce.Streaming.TikTok |
/streaming onKick |
SpigotMC | Announce live on Kick. | DeluxeAnnounce.Streaming.Kick |
/streaming onYoutube <link> |
SpigotMC | Announce live on YouTube. | DeluxeAnnounce.Streaming.Youtube |
/streaming registerMyUser onTiktok/onTwitch/onKick |
SpigotMC | Register your Tiktok, Twitch and onKick user. | DeluxeAnnounce.Streaming.RegisterUser |
/streaming reset onTiktok/onTwitch/onYoutube/onKick <user name> |
SpigotMC | Resets a command's counter and stops its announcements. | DeluxeAnnounce.Streaming.Reset |
You can use the DeluxeAnnounce.Toggle.* permission or DeluxeAnnounce.Admin permission to use all features.
Command | Software | Description | Permission |
/ace - /announce |
SpigotMC | Open inventory. | DeluxeAnnounce.Toggle.Inventory |
/ace toggle actionbar |
SpigotMC | Enable or disable actionbar's automatic advertisements. | DeluxeAnnounce.Toggle.Actionbar |
/ace toggle advanced |
SpigotMC | Enable or disable advanced's automatic advertisements. | DeluxeAnnounce.Toggle.Advanced |
/ace toggle bossbar |
SpigotMC | Enable or disable bossbar's automatic advertisements. | DeluxeAnnounce.Toggle.Bossbar |
/ace toggle permissions |
SpigotMC | Enable or disable permissions' automatic advertisements. | DeluxeAnnounce.Toggle.Permissions |
/ace toggle simple |
SpigotMC | Enable or disable simple's automatic advertisements. | DeluxeAnnounce.Toggle.Simple |
/ace toggle title |
SpigotMC | Enable or disable title's automatic advertisements. | DeluxeAnnounce.Toggle.Titles |
/ace toggle purchase |
SpigotMC | Enable or disable the purchase message. | DeluxeAnnounce.Toggle.Donation |